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Let’s assess your Organizational Readiness by identifying the psychosocial  risks and hazards to ensure you are in compliance with Bill 169 - Ontario Workplace Violence and align with the Bill C190 - International Treaty - First ever international labour standard that sets a clear framework of the right to dignity and a violence free workplace culture.

Workplaces have always held the physical safety of their staff as a paramount concern. Over the last few years, the same can be said about their psychological safety and wellbeing. No two businesses are the same and their psychological make up is always changing. This is why it is important to have a workplace assessment or engage in conflict resolution.

Assessments/Culture Audits allow the employer to:   1 – identify a baseline for what is working and what needs improving in the workplace to ensure a safe and positive workspace 2 – increase accountability of the employer and the employees to handle conflict in the workplace 3 – reduce time, resources and money dedicated to resolving conflict when it happens vs proactively identifying the pain points of an organization and having global buy in for training and awareness (which will take less time and money to facilitate 4 – provide opportunity to improve management techniques, communication styles and leadership capabilities through education and hiring practices.   Workplace assessments are anonymous tools that do not point fingers, help encourage a team mentality and give the employees a voice in what they value as necessary changes. Employees can be a part of the solution to bring about positive change and will have higher morale in doing so. This is empowering to staff so they are heard and it empowers the employer as it increases accountability and risk mitigation.

Member Since: 2021
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 (Date: 3/14/2025)
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